The beach of Talibon seaport in Bohol, Philippines

Talibon seaport in Bohol, Philippines

day 28: 365 days project

huling hirit sa tag-init! #ChasingSummer #VitaminSea #IslandHop #SandBar #NorthSandBar #Bohol #Philippines #ItsMoreFunInThePhilippines #Summer #SummerNiXavee #XaveeinBohol #TheDentistIsOut #GoPro #GoProPH #goproeverything #GoPro_Moment

Imagine living here... I'd be darker ???? #islandliving

it was a great visit with you again #NorthSandBar #ChasingSummer #VitaminSea #IslandHop #SandBar #Bohol #Philippines #ItsMoreFunInThePhilippines #Summer #SummerNiXavee #XaveeinBohol #TheDentistIsOut #GoPro #GoProPH #goproeverything #GoPro_Moment

Talibon, Bohol, Philippines in the golden hour. Many people at the local market

***** FIESTA SEÑOR 2016 *****

***** FIESTA SEÑOR 2016 *****

***** FIESTA SEÑOR 2016 *****

***** FIESTA SEÑOR 2016 *****

***** FIESTA SEÑOR 2016 *****

Talibon - fish market

Talibon roots

Squat Shrimp

jen silver talbon

pogi points ng dabaw at cebu

rising top of the world

jocejay mindanao

day 27: 365 days project

the Squares