The beach of Talibon seaport in Bohol, Philippines

Talibon seaport in Bohol, Philippines

day 28: 365 days project

huling hirit sa tag-init! #ChasingSummer #VitaminSea #IslandHop #SandBar #NorthSandBar #Bohol #Philippines #ItsMoreFunInThePhilippines #Summer #SummerNiXavee #XaveeinBohol #TheDentistIsOut #GoPro #GoProPH #goproeverything #GoPro_Moment

Imagine living here... I'd be darker ???? #islandliving

A Fiery Pandanon Sunset

it was a great visit with you again #NorthSandBar #ChasingSummer #VitaminSea #IslandHop #SandBar #Bohol #Philippines #ItsMoreFunInThePhilippines #Summer #SummerNiXavee #XaveeinBohol #TheDentistIsOut #GoPro #GoProPH #goproeverything #GoPro_Moment

Talibon, Bohol, Philippines in the golden hour. Many people at the local market

Talibon - fish market

Talibon roots

Squat Shrimp

jen silver talbon

pogi points ng dabaw at cebu

rising top of the world

jocejay mindanao

day 27: 365 days project

the Squares

Balletcenter Cebu In Jao outing 2013

Balletcenter Cebu In Jao outing 2013

Balletcenter Cebu In Jao outing 2013

Balletcenter Cebu In Jao outing 2013

Balletcenter Cebu In Jao outing 2013