Four Wheeling21

Four Wheeling12

Red Pine forest

Leaf Peeping 2011

Leaf Peeping 2011

Hungry Fish

Four Wheeling54

Audrey & Georgie at the Deer Preserve

Georgie at the Deer Preserve

Bumble Bee Delight

Audrey at the Deer Preserve

Red and Gold

Audrey in Michigan

Little George at the Deer Preserve

Little George at the Deer Preserve

Audrey at the Deer Preserve

Calling all Bumble Bees

Dexter checking out the trail

Even rest areas are pretty in the fall...

Male Kirtland's warbler with geolocator.

Interstate 75 - Roscommon County, Michigan

O car knitting, you might be my favorite #knitting #carknitting #sweater #limegreen #dpns

Little Bigfoot.

Little Bigfoot.

Little Bigfoot.

Another Bigfoot track.

I love his fire...

Grand Traverse 2012