The island Styrsö (5)

Gothenburg/Göteborg evening mood

Colorful (explored 2016-12-13)

Guldhedens vattentorn - The south water tower of Guldheden, Göteborg

Gothenburg city hall

Hang In There, Spring Will Come

Night at the...

Across the Moat

"It's no different than any other rainy day."

Streets of Gothenburg

Skansen Crown View

Sweden - Göteborg - Lilla Bommen (Läppstiftet)

I'd like to go to sea...

John Milton and coffee

What a view!

Götheborg I

Ramberget, Gothenburg Sweden

The island Styrsö (2)


Another Autumn view

"Beware of the dark side."

Sweden. Late Winter.

Around the lake Rådasjön (6)

Around the lake Rådasjön (4)

4 Coldbath houses by the sea

Around the lake Rådasjön (2)

Fall in Gothenburg

The Light Comes

The swan


When a life ends another life begin

Kamgräsfjäril / Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus)

Sunset At Vita Gaveln

Hovås Sjöbodar

5 By the sea in Hovås

2 Golfcourse Gothenburg in Hovås by the sea

My surroundings in March (5)

My surroundings in January (6)

autumn morning

Further 1 of 4 winter depression photos of the nature (8)