View to fire -- Nya Varvet, Gothenburg, Sweden

The Last Light Of The Year..

Ramberget, Gothenburg Sweden

"El Gran Intruso"

"It's no different than any other rainy day."


Vulgar in HDR / Car-Toon | HDR

The calm city

From the trains point of view

Götheborg I

Autumn, from the balcony

The second sun of my mind...

Lights in the tree

Hail to the Thief

Happy New Year

"2nd from the simple"

Dawn Tree

Study of Different Beaches in Early Spring, part III

Sunday 13:34 | HDR

Hey man! Check this out!


Late in the evening

Stora Hamnkanalen

Mölndals Kråka by night

A New Time!

Kamgräsfjäril / Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus)

The Light Comes

Puktörneblåvinge / Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus) hona

Late Winter in Sweden. My Paradise.

Autumn revisited

Bastionsplatsen, no.2

Stuck in a Season

A Long Wait Is Over

Sunset at Lilleby VII

Heaven on the surface


Blue Eriksberg

Bue Hour At Klippan

Sky Watcher
