Gothenburg/Göteborg evening mood

Another Autumn view

"Beware of the dark side."

Colorful (explored 2016-12-13)

Misty Days

Night at the...

Across the Moat

Streets of Gothenburg

Sweden - Göteborg - Lilla Bommen (Läppstiftet)

Another view of Gothenburg at night

I'd like to go to sea...

Nordic Sunset

Light the way - poladroided

Kvarnbyn part II

Old cabin with a view

John Milton and coffee

What a view!

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow."


Happy New Year

"Now Autumn's fire burns slowly along the woods. And day by day the dead leaves fall and melt."

Around the lake Rådasjön (4)

4 Coldbath houses by the sea

2 Golfcourse Gothenburg in Hovås by the sea

Around the lake Rådasjön (2)

My surroundings in January (6)

Further 1 of 4 winter depression photos of the nature (8)

1 of 5 Winter depression photos in the nature (5)

Utbybergen, Gothenburg

Forest Tarn

Fall in Gothenburg

Brussels Airlines A319.

Lake Delsjö (Explore)

Autumn Path


Älvsborgsbron by night

Spring Road

Kamgräsfjäril / Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus)

Ramberget, Gothenburg Sweden

Hovås Sjöbodar

Around the lake Rådasjön (6)