Thunder rages in my soul of despair

#tbt to Jun '15: enjoying the views of the immensely vast South Platte from the summit of the Sheep's Nose, after a fun early morning mission of the adventurous 4-pitch "Lost In Space" (II 5.9)… ⛰???????? #spring #climbing #sheepsnose #southp

winter fox

Pike's Peak: View from Bill's porch

Pike's Peak: View from Bill's porch

View from the deck

not a bad view first thing in the morning.

2011-09-04 16.12.48

Buff creek sunset

View from the deck

Fishing, No. 2

the view from my bedroom April 2007

Douglas Squirrel

View from the deck

Distance 2

First snow of the 2007/08 season

Ralph Kirkpatrick (1900 - 1972) and Ruth Kirkpatrick (1899 - 1979) - Ault Cemetery

Girl Scout Camp

2011-09-04 16.07.09

Girl Scout Camp

Girl Scout Camp

Wedding Sunset_Q2E8206

Colorado Afternoon

20130616-reynolds park-0895

The Howling Wind

Walking to the pin last week playing #discgolf in #colorado

Late Afternoon Along the South Platte

Pine Valley Ranch

Pine Valley Ranch

Colorado Valley

Pine Valley Ranch

Pine Valley Ranch

Matthews Falls

Pine Valley Ranch

20130616-reynolds park-0924

North Fork South Platte River

Pine Valley Ranch

Apologies to everyone who doesn't live in Colorado.

Colorado Trail (South Platte)

South Platte River, Colorado


Spring in the Rockies #flyfishing #fishing #troutfishing #streams