2011-09-04 16.12.48

2011-09-04 16.07.09

A Taste of Luna, 1

Thunder rages in my soul of despair

2011-09-04 16.07.36

2011-09-04 16.09.28

2011-09-04 16.09.36

2011-09-04 16.10.54

2011-09-04 16.06.11

Ault Family Cemetery - Turkey Creek Area - Near Morrison Colorado

2011-09-04 16.06.01

#tbt to Jun '15: enjoying the views of the immensely vast South Platte from the summit of the Sheep's Nose, after a fun early morning mission of the adventurous 4-pitch "Lost In Space" (II 5.9)… ⛰???????? #spring #climbing #sheepsnose #southp

winter fox

Pike's Peak: View from Bill's porch

Pike's Peak: View from Bill's porch

not a bad view first thing in the morning.

View from the deck

What a cute lil guy

Buff creek sunset

Fishing, No. 2

the view from my bedroom April 2007

The Howling Wind

Walking to the pin last week playing #discgolf in #colorado

Apologies to everyone who doesn't live in Colorado.

Reynolds Park, North Fork Trail

Reynolds Park, North Fork Trail

Late Afternoon Along the South Platte

Pine Valley Ranch

Pine Valley Ranch

Colorado Valley

Wedding Sunset_Q2E8206

Pine Valley Ranch

Pine Valley Ranch

Matthews Falls

Colorado Afternoon

20130616-reynolds park-0895

Pine Valley Ranch

20130616-reynolds park-0924

North Fork South Platte River

Pine Valley Ranch

Colorado Trail (South Platte)

South Platte River, Colorado