Denver Winter Suburbia

pierceing the blanket

Sweet September Light

Yellow Water Lily

Denver, Colorado

Beautiful Clouds

Sculpture Wide View

Queen Helena Of The Faucets

I woke up to a crystal clear morning and this crisp moon

Sunset clouds, from my balcony

My favorite place to shoot the sky

snow harvest

Alien Landscape [Explore - Front Page]


southern sky

created moments

fred, james, and howard

Windows With A View

no riders

steps to enlightenment

Lenticular clouds after sunset

Mmmmm. . . Chives

Pike's Peak Covered With Fresh Snow

Sunset, Jackass Hill, Littleton, Colorado

Quad strike

Sunset Over Cherry Creek Reservoir

Rays over amber waves of grain.

Golden Day

Approaching Storm

Storm warning...

treading lightly

meadow road

Virga In Front of Storm

Cloud Reflection At Sunset

Snowy Morn

Blue Mountains

Fly, fly, fly...

{ Chihuly | Red Reeds | Denver Botanical Gardens }

A Clash of Seasons

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