Yellow Water Lily

Denver, Colorado

Japanese Garden, Denver, CO

Arctic Fox

Geese, full moon and downtown Denver

Alien Landscape [Explore - Front Page]

Easy Denver Saturday Morning

pierceing the blanket

no riders

Denver Winter Suburbia

created moments

Windows With A View

fred, james, and howard

I got my mojo back

steps to enlightenment

Denver City Park Autumn 3rd visit

Lenticular clouds after sunset

Views from DMNS 12-15-07 007p

A view from the back

"Hummingbird" Moth (back view)

Gear Down

Cloud Reflection At Sunset

_ ____ ___

A Sunny Afternoon

Afternoon Thunderstorm - Before and After

Sunset Over Rockies - Explored

Primula Harlequin Bicolor Mix 1, Colorado

Allium Opening

Sunset Reflection

Rays over amber waves of grain.

Quad strike

Early Morning at Denver City Park

Quiet reflections

Purple Sky

Sunset Tonight

If only...

Pelicans in flight

Afterglow - Clouds After Sunset

Twilight Before Sunrise

Clouds Before Sunset

Virga In Front of Storm

Fall Color - Explored