Window to the past

Datsun 280z at Carolina Motorsports Park

Dobson fly, female

Making it Grow! film shoot

Lick Creek

Flat Creek

Blooodroot andTrout Lily on Path

My first bird

Far Side of Pond

Gratiola amphiantha (Pool-sprite)

You're hiking through the forest of rolling hills, when all of a sudden...

40 Acre Rock 2

Anthoxanthum odoratum (Sweet Vernal Grass)

My Friend Bill Among the Atamasco Lilies Near Beaver Pond at 40 Acre Rock

Jack in the Pulpit

Antennaria plantaginifolia (Plantain Pussytoes)

Minuartia glabra (Appalachian Sandwort)

Path by Beaver Pond lined with Atamasco Lilies.

Path by Beaver Pond lined with Atamasco Lilies.

Forty Acre Rock Vernal Pools

A really big guy...

Antennaria plantaginifolia (Plantain Pussytoes)

Flatrock Phacelia