Datsun 280z at Carolina Motorsports Park

Spring Stevens Fish Hatchery - Harvest

Spring Stevens Fish Hatchery - Impoundment

Spring Stevens Fish Hatchery - Fish House


Spring Stevens Fish Hatchery - 360 panorama

Spring Stevens Fish Hatchery

Video of L&C under bridge

Spring Stevens Fish Hatchery - 360 panorama

Dobson fly, female

Making it Grow! film shoot

Lick Creek

Flat Creek

My first bird

Gratiola amphiantha (Pool-sprite)

You're hiking through the forest of rolling hills, when all of a sudden...

Lancaster Reservoir 04

Lancaster Reservoir 03

Lancaster Reservoir 02

Lancaster Reservoir 01

Antennaria plantaginifolia (Plantain Pussytoes)

Minuartia glabra (Appalachian Sandwort)

Blooodroot andTrout Lily on Path

Flatrock Phacelia

A really big guy...

Far Side of Pond

My Friend Bill Among the Atamasco Lilies Near Beaver Pond at 40 Acre Rock

Jack in the Pulpit

Forty Acre Rock Vernal Pools