6-27-11 Beverly,WA

20040327_087...Self-portrait in the (windy) Saddle Mountains

6-27-11 Beverly,WA

Wanapum State Park

090531_024-View from Edison's Light

090531_022-View from Edison's Light

090531_023-View from Edison's Light

Eastern Washington Skies, 2013

Edgemont, Washington

Desert Yellow Fleabane (Erigeron linearis)

Blue Moon Over the Saddle Mountains, Washington, 2012

seasons pass and come again

Wanapum Dam Overlook

Yakima FTX

Blue Moon Over the Saddle Mountains, Washington, 2012

Warm Day

6-27-11 Beverly,WA

Wanapum Dam

winter wheat

Beverly Railroad Bridge (Grant County and Kittitas County, Washington)

6-27-11 Beverly,WA

Beverly, Washington

Wampum Village, Washington

6-27-11 Beverly,WA

Edgemont, Washington

Saddle Mountain sand

Desert Aire, Washington