Wild Horses ~ Washington State ~ USA ~ Overlook Site

Vantage Viewpoint

The Feathers - Basalt Formation in Frenchman Coulee

Lake, Potholes Coulee, Washington, Spring 2017

Peeking Through the Feathers

Vantage Bridge ~ Columbia River in Washington State ~ Series Going Home To Toronto Canada

Vantage Washington ~ Vantage Bridge ~ Columbia River in Washington State ~ Foggy

Above Dusty Lake

Not Super Bowl Bound

The Storm Warning

Vantage, Washington

Dusty Lake

Wild Horse Monument Sundown

Dusty Lake, Potholes Coulee, Washington

Walking back to the campsite on the last night

Vantage Viewpoint

Potholes Coulee with Waterfall, Biplane, Beaver Lodge and Rain Approaching

Sunset at the Gorge

Vantage, Washington

Columbia River in Washington

Wild Horses Monument~EXPLORED~

Whenever you call

Heavy Metal Stampede

Dusty Lake, Potholes Coulee, Washington, Spring 2017

Twilight Vantage

Spring Seep Lake, Potholes Coulee, Washington, 2017

Wanapum Vista


Waterfall Photographer

Ancient Lake Shoreline Study

A majestic poo

Coulee Waterfall

Coulee Waterfall

Ancient Lake

frenchman coulee

Columbia River Bridge at Vantage