Redwood River Reflection

Birch Coulee Battlefield

Birch Coulee Wayside

Birch Coulee Battle Wayside

Prairie Cactus

Ramsey Creek

Silent River

View from Park shelter overlooking river

shadows of decontruction

View from park shelter over Redwwod River

Pre-Spring Thaw

Ancient River Rocks

Minnesota River Valley

Ramsey Falls on Ramsey creek.

Submerged Ancient River Rocks

Redwood Falls

Minnesota River Valley

035-2012-09-02 Ramsey Park

Ramsey Falls ~ Redwood County,MN

Looking South after Sunset

Ramsey Falls

Redwood Falls mill dam

Redwood river

ramsey falls

Ramsey Falls 006 hdr

MPL over the Minnesota

Redwood Falls

ramsey falls

Carnegie Library - Redwood Falls, MN

Ramsey Falls 008

equinox moonrise