Birch Coulee Battle Wayside

Prairie Cactus

Redwood County Courthouse (east side) - Redwood Falls, MN

Redwood River Reflection

View from the Bridge

Minnesota Not-So-Nice

Birch Coulee Wayside

Silent River

View from Park shelter overlooking river

Geocaching in Delhi

Geocaching in Delhi

View from park shelter over Redwwod River

Geocaching in Delhi

View from the west side of the boulder

Downtown Building (rear view) - Redwood Falls, MN

Pre-Spring Thaw

Redwood Falls mill dam

Redwood river

MPL over the Minnesota

Submerged Ancient River Rocks

Ramsey Falls ~ Redwood County,MN

Ancient River Rocks

Ramsey Falls

Case Tractors MN Rt19, Redwood Co MN


Ramsey Falls on Ramsey creek.

2013 12-3 Ramsey Park in Redwood Falls (14)

Ramsey Falls 006 hdr

Redwood Falls

Ramsey Falls 008

ramsey falls

Carnegie Library - Redwood Falls, MN

Riverbottom weekend

Ramsey Falls 003 hdr

Ramsey Falls

Redwood Falls