Nice Clean Rooms

Business Section - Delta, Colorado

Old farm equipment #1

Pacing on Highway 92

Yet Another View of The Drive In

Old farm equipment #2

Orchard City, CO

Coffee and a cigarette

Like a toothless grin

First Methodist Episcopal Church of Delta

Gunnison Gorge from the trail

Gunnison Gorge (Explore)

Delta, Colorado

Devil's Thumb (close view)

Highway 92 - Delta County, CO

The Cottenwood in winter

Colorado farmland

Fired up sunset over the Delta County dobies

Gunnison Gorge 2


Sand Hill's

Gunnison Gorge 1

Gunnison Gorge Highway

North Fork Coal II

Fluffy happy clouds

Adobe landscape north of Delta

H75 Road

West Elks small






Saltbush in the Dobies

Early Snow on the West Elks