Pine Ridge Trail, Lake Katharine (3)

Pine Ridge Trail, Lake Katharine (10)

Pine Ridge Trail, Lake Katharine (7)

Pine Ridge Trail, Lake Katharine (4)

Pine Ridge Trail, Lake Katharine (5)

Lake Katharine

Pine Ridge Trail, Lake Katharine (1)

Pine Ridge Trail, Lake Katharine (8)

Pine Ridge Trail, Lake Katharine (9)

Pine Ridge Trail, Lake Katharine (6)

Lake Alma State Park 2

Early Light on the Lake

Leo Petroglyph State Park


Southeastern Ohio #rollinhills #rural #vista #landscape #pretty #nov2874 #sprphotog

Lake Kathrine runoff

A Walk in the Woods

Small fall

Yellow-sided Skimmer dragonfly

Lake Katherine

Still serves a purpose

Hanging on

Leo Petroglyph

Waiting to thaw

valley of the corn

Wellston-Kuppenheimer Trouser Factory (COAF)

MPB 35-40-02, Jackson County, Ohio