
Heading home

Bill adding finishing touches

Nepali food



'Young Boy on the Trail in Nepal'.... Mammo was just dying to slip the boy some money, so she asked the tour guide to pull over. The boy was polite and not fearful like someone in our country would be if a carload of adults suddenly stopped to talk (and

They are watching you from the shadows. #anonymous #mmm2016 #millionmaskmarch2016 #protest #Brussels #guyfawkes #mask #vforvendetta #wearethe99percent #wearethechange

Some moments are better portrayed in black and white #place #blackandwhite #bgcreativestudios #badri #aircraft #nepal #outdoors #window #clouds #sky #mountains #himalayas #lonelyplanet #lonelyplanetindia #lpfanphoto #lpindia #ngma #ngtdailyshot #natgeo #n

Kichakvadh, Jhapa

Eastern Nepal

Cat under the Hot Plastic Roof

Vertical weaving

Our team bus

doko, fodder & green