North Dakota Prairie


Grain bins.


More 2 & 3 bay hoppers waiting to be unloaded

The whole damn train

our saviors lutheran


In the Fog at Kenmare, ND

North Dakota Playboy - Donnybrook, North Dakota

Kenmare Theater Marquee

Kenmare Theater

npr 1385,

Donnybrook, ND

The Road Less Traveled

Old Ford dealership in Kenmare ND

Old Ford dealership in Kenmare ND

Old Ford dealership in Kenmare ND

Grain Shuttle

Danish Windmill - Kenmare, North Dakota

Kenmare VoTech Expansion - Kenmare, ND

Kenmare VoTech Expansion - Kenmare, ND

A group of 2 bay hoppers waiting to be unloaded

Beauty in a weed

Ready to bloom

just me