May Trucking Peterbilt 387 with older Reefer trailer, Truck 4740

Pheasant Grill Drive-In Arlington, Oregon

Windmills in the Columbia River Gorge

A Scenic View of the Columbia River

Taking in Views of Wind Turbines While Driving Along the Interstate (Black & White)

Windmills in the Columbia River Gorge

So, I attempted to avoid some I-84 riding by using what's called Rattlesnake Road. It would be longer and feature climbing, but it'd beat the freeway! And the first part started good, with great views. Then it turned to gravel, even better! Then the scene

The view from Sundale Park

Pheasant Grill Drive-In Arlington, Oregon

Pheasant Grill Drive-In Arlington, Oregon

Columbia River. Better views than the Arkansas... #oregon #roadtrip

So, I attempted to avoid some I-84 riding by using what's called Rattlesnake Road. It would be longer and feature climbing, but it'd beat the freeway! And the first part started good, with great views. Then it turned to gravel, even better! Then the scene

On site

Columbia River View

So, I attempted to avoid some I-84 riding by using what's called Rattlesnake Road. It would be longer and feature climbing, but it'd beat the freeway! And the first part started good, with great views. Then it turned to gravel, even better! Then the scene

View from the office at soundcheck... #Woolery16 #Countryfied16 #ilovemyjob

UP 2426 East at Heppner Jct., OR

SE Washington State

Fog along the Columbia

Columbia River Overlook

Columbia River Overlook

Washington from Oregon

White wind turbines mark buried farmlands

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Seattle - Yellowstone-8417.jpg

Seattle - Yellowstone-8419.jpg

Late afternoon on the Columbia

Columbia River at Arlington

Columbia River Gorge

Seattle - Yellowstone-8421.jpg


Columbia River at Blalock Canyon

There they are again

the gorge

Oregon desert and Mount Hood