the county fair...hee haw!

Map Desk

Out of Gas

Pottery Barn V

Pottery Barn III


Pottery Barn

Creepy II

The Lost Coast...A Long Lost Sight (Part 5)

Ferndale, CA

Green Truck II

Green Truck III

View from Centerville Road.

Pottery Barn II

Three Doors Down

Ferndale, CA

Ferndale, CA

7D2_4445 crop WEME-eBird.org bottom_788x1182-1

Overlooking Fleener Creek at Centerville, CA

Coast at Fleener Creek

Lined Up

A Lost Coast Masterpiece

Surrounded & Lost

Three Amigos

Marveling Upon the God's Country

USA // California // Humboldt County // Lost Coast (***read description***)

Guthrie Creek Sunset

Sugarloaf Island @ Cape Mendocino, CA 1

Lost Along the Coast

USA // California // Capetown // Lost Coast // Steamboat Rock

Lost Coast - Sugarloaf Island

Dip In the Tide Pools

Northern California.

Ribbons of smoke from the Siskiyou County fires over middle Humboldt. Taken from Branstetter Ridge near Cape Town. 1 September 2014


Fog rolling in.



Highland Cattle Near the Low Lands 4


It looks like Haystack Rock, but it's not!