Peregrine Falcon (juvenile)

Scenic View at Waha

Snake River

Mar4,2013f 116 Tundra Swan 11 + 1 Bewick's Swan

Snake River Canyon

"peeps" ID Difficulties

Emeritus at Juniper Meadows

Mar4,2013f 118 Bewick's Swan

Asotin County Courthouse (Asotin, Washington)

Willet and American Avocet

Bald Eagle (immature)

Sharp-shinned Hawk (juvenile, male)

Great Horned Owl

Morning walk

Walk pic

In Full Bloom

Spirit of Hell's Canyon

American Avocets & Wilson's Phalaropes

Baird's Sandpiper

Lesser Yellowlegs

Yellowlegs Comparison

Baird's and Western Sandpipers

Sunset and Hardpack

Savannah Sparrow ?

Yellow Rape Plant

Friday Gravel

Snake River Gorge

Prairie Flowers

Pectoral Sandpiper

Likely a VERY BRIGHT juvenile Least Sandpiper ?

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