Wind Turbines in Montana

Aloe, Montana

Ethridge, Montana 59435

Cats on a Train

More Montana desolation.

Harnessing Wind Energy

Mesa and Turbines - Montana

Hub Caps - Montana

Ethridge, Montana 59435

Noting Time Zone Change

Eastbound stack at Ethridge

Post Office 59435 (Ethridge, Montana)

West Butte - Sweetgrass Hills, Montana

Wind turbines seen from Amtrak's "Empire Builder"; near Ethridge, Montana

For the love of wind energy

BNSF 4064 & 1026

Westbound Autoracks

Oil Wells at Oilmont

Kevin at Kevin in Montana

BNSF AC4400CW 5700

BNSF 5700 & 5904

BNSF 7531, 4653 & 4564

Near Ethridge, Montana