
Taken on "the 501"

Farm near Coutts, Alberta

For a fantastic 3 day canoe or kayak trip check out the Milk River in SE Alberta. Just beware of all the rocks #explorealberta #paddling

Open Fields IMG_0407e1

Milk River

Kayaks at Gold Springs

Warner town


2018 Day 173 - Paddling the Milk River


This is a great time of year to do the 3 day canoe trip on the Milk River. No camping reservations needed and it's easy to organize a canoe shuttle #canoeing #explorealberta

Rain Ahead

Big Dipper

Gold Springs Park

Gold Springs Park with Sweet Grass Hills

Milk River town

Milk River town

Road Trip to Canada

Road Trip to Canada

_DSC1780 P&H HDR

_DSC1777 Agricore Elevator

Doc Watson

Elevators in Milk River, Alberta

Going home.