Endless Skies and Thoughts....

Peru, Puno, urban scape view at 3850m

Roof view Puno at lake Titicaca

Peru, girl outside Puno provincial municipality building

On lake Titicaca / На озере Титикака

Mirador de Kuntur Wasi. Puno, Peru.

Peru, Puno, urban scape with a bit of lake Titicaca

Galactic core

Titicaca view from a floating island

Peru, Puno, urban porridge

Peru, lake Titicaca, settlement of huts & a totora (reed) boat, Uros floating reed islands

View of the lake from the town square

Lake Titicaca / Озеро Титикака

Our lunch view today

Peru, Puno, woman with baby on her back carrying a bucket

From the window.. morning view... Lake Titicaca...

View of Puno city and Lake Titicaca

View of Puno city and Lake Titicaca

The sky above Puno / Небо над Пуно

Peru, Puno, Cusquena beer & high altitude beef medallion steaks

The loo with a view on Uros island in Lake Titicaca

Ruta de los Uros

Take the long way home.

Uros. Lago Titicaca, Perú.

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Titicaca, Perú.

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Vue du Mirador Kuntur Wasi

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Splendid reflections, Titicaca Lake

Everything i do

Everything i do

Puno, Lake Titicaca

Peru Day 04 080 Uros Islands

Everything i do

PERU - 2012