Titicaca view from a floating island

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Uru settlement, speedboat off cafe pion(e)er

Endless Skies and Thoughts....

Mirador de Kuntur Wasi. Puno, Peru.

Panorama Of Puno / Панорама Пуно

Peru. Lake Titicaca, Uros floating reed islands, settlement of huts & a totora (reed made) boat

The sky above Puno / Небо над Пуно

Peru, Lake Titicaca, boatman rowing off an Uru floating island

Peru, Puno, urban porridge

Peru, Puno, woman with baby on her back carrying a bucket

Peru, girl outside Puno provincial municipality building

Peru, Puno, Cusquena beer & high altitude beef medallion steaks

Peru, Puno, Plaza de Armas, Catedral Basílica San Carlos Borromeo at night

Uros island

Lake Titicaca / Озеро Титикака

On lake Titicaca / На озере Титикака

Peru. Puno, informal urbanscape at 3850m altitude

Peru / Puno, urban scape with a bit of lake Titicaca

Galactic core

Puno: Plaza de Armas

Punta Huillo

Panorama of Puno from Mirador El Condor

Splendid reflections, Titicaca Lake

Uros. Lago Titicaca, Perú.

Sunset colours of Titicaca, Peru

Uros. Lago Titicaca, Perú.

Uros. Lago Titicaca, Perú.

Wonderful sky over Titicaca, Peru

Titicaca, the lake of Uru people

Titicaca reflections

Alti Plano

Titiqaqa sunset

From Uros Isles to Puno, Titicaca

Puno Cathedral & Titicaca Lake, Peru

Bolivian mountains from the steps of Chucuito Cathedral, Peru

Uros Isles from Mirador El Condor, Puno

O lago visto de cima do hostel