Heavy-Duty Truck Bed Cover with Custom Cleats on Red GMC Sierra

Sunset on Lake Cypress Springs, Texas



Definitely #Forrest #clouds RUN, FORREST, R U N !!!!!!! #severewx #CloudFormations #txwx #Texas

I am so confused!!!!

The Texas way to recover from a bike ride #ridingmybike #tacos #topochico

Good morning East Texas. A rainy early start to the day on I-30.

Post Autumn Trails Bike ride recovery. #ridingmybike

Training ride recovery at Grape Bistro & Wine Bar #ridingmybike

Best way to end a cool fall bike ride. #pumpkinspice #ridingmybike #autumn

#texas #TexasSky #Txwx #CloudFormations

0__o #txwx

Working lunches can be healthy too. #goodeats

Skinny crème brûlée Recovery Frap earned after 55 hilly miles. #ridingmybike #ridefuel

The upside of taking the dogs to the groomer #coffeefix

Chasing shadows on a beautiful early spring day. #ridingmybike #playinghooky

Being bad post ride @art&espresso mint chocolate chip malt #ridingmybike

The perfect after bike ride food. #pizza

Office away from the office #art&espresso #wellcaffinated

A bit on the damp side but a fast group. #ridingmybike #intherain

Not a good sign, keep repeating Rule #5. #ridingmybike #rainyday

Coffee Shop ride, excuse to eat bad. #yum #ridingmybike