Misty Winter Day in the Appalachians

Evening Light in the Appalachian Mountains

The End of Another Glorious Day in Breaks, VA

CRR #800 returns home

This is a field of dead kudzu. If you look close enough, it looks like a giant spider there in the middle. Taken with my Samsung Note 5.

Vacation May 2015

Vacation May 2015

Vacation May 2015

Rainbow Sunrise

US 460 Bridges over KY 1373

US 460 Bridges over KY 1373

Grapevine Sunset

Winter Bridge

US 460 in Pike County, KY

19761008 04 C&O Railroad, Elkhorn City, KY

19761008 07 Clinchfield & C&O Railroads, Elkhorn City, KY

19761008 06 Clinchfield & C&O Railroads, Elkhorn City, KY

19761008 12 Big Sandy River @ Breaks Interstate Park, VA KY

19761008 10 C&O and Clinchfield Railroads, Elkhorn City, KY

Vacation May 2015

Vacation May 2015

Vacation May 2015

Vacation May 2015