Sea of mountains!

Enticing Himalayas

View from the #mountain . Perfect way to spend holi. #Goshaini #HimanchalPradesh #hill #nature #Samsung #galaxy_s3 #travel #India #indiapictures

How often you get to see such #Window view #travel #trekking #hill #Mountain #nature #sunrise #green #sustainable #conservation #sun_rays #Samsung #galaxy_S3

Frozen Serolsar

Like a flag!

The Great Himalayan National Park, India

evening hues...

the jog down...

back to civilization...

21-Watching the golden hour over a campfire embalms some of the exhaustion and dampness

5-Pekhri to Laghca was more of a short acclimatiztion hike, taking us around an hour and a half

on twilight

last light...

26-A moment or two was all we took at the top, eager to get down the ridge to wipe our snow glazed shoes on some warm grass

30-The thatch at Choi dwar belonged to the clan of the unorthodox, like a drunk refute to authority

22-We reached Ghumtarao top in a little under an hour from the camp, and I again befooled myself into thinking that Rakhundi top was an 1.5 hrs worth of trotting atop the ridge, turned out to be a 4 hr slog through snow that was chest deep at times

14-It became apparent after a while that the snow wasn't going anywhere, so we decided to take time and break the trail properly, not that we had any other choice

29-Climbing up, one waits for the woods to be over and the vistas to begin, getting down is a much fiercer emotion in the opposite direction

a sumptuous spread...

23-Bear, and a couple of other, pugmarks dominated the trail from Ghumtarao till Rakhundi, the silent sure marke irritating us no less looking at our own patchy imprints

9-We ascended quickly again after lunch, crossing knee deep snow that had was making ballerinas out of us quite frequently now

7-An hour of steep uphill from Rangthar brought us to Kundri top, from where the snow started to increase