20151014_5843 east coast of India

Nellore Thorugh N9

Heavy loads

Daily Business

Weekend morning selfie

My younger daughter MOKSHYA birthday ???? celebrations... #birthday #birthdaycake #birthdaygirl #youngerdaugther

Happy ugadi...

Nellore is know for two things, aquaculture, especially prawns and rice. Rice mills line the National Highway 5 that connects Chennai to Kolkata. Village roads, highways, underpasses all have heaps of harvested rice ready to be sent to the rice mills. #

Follow the steps for hogging a Tamil-Andhra meal... 1. Wash the leaf with the water provided and push aside the excess water 2. First have the Parupp podi (horsegram will Chilli powder and ghee with rice 3. Follow it it a dash of Sambhar and Rice 4. Then

20151014_5842 Penna River on the east coast of India

20151014_5844 east coast of India

WP_20151123_13_19_19_Pro (2)

Nartaki Theatre[2015]

Nartaki Theatre[2015]

Archana Theatre[2015]

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Nellore Thorugh N9

a small light dispersion over sky reflecting clouds

beach goats at Mypadu Beach

Track Walker