Remember To Look Up

View from my campsite

Just a Nice View

Crush It

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All out of witty titles!

augie views elk

view from inside a tree

Humboldt Lagoons

Humboldt Lagoons

IMG_5273_The view up Dry Lagoon Beach

Elk Meadow, Redwood Nat. Park, California.

IMG_5297_The view up Dry Lagoon Beach

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CA Trip Day 2: Elk

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Gold Bluffs Beach

Redwood National Park

Big Lagoon Panorama

Elk Meadow, Redwood Nat. Park, California.

Redwoods Magic

Silence Exists On This Road...


Timeless Beauty

Canyon of Ferns

USA // California // Humboldt Redwoods State Park // Avenue of the Giants

Redwood Growing in the Sand?, Redwood National Park, Humboldt Co, CA, November 2001

USA // California // Humboldt Redwoods State Park // Avenue of the Giants

Fern Canyon

Freshwater Lagoon at night

Redwoods Bridge

USA // California // Del Norte // Humboldt Redwoods State Park // Me & Sequoia

Sunset Continuum

Path through the Redwoods

Between the Giants

Among Giants

Coastal ghosts #Redwoods

Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park

Rainbow upon Serendipity / 人间处处有彩虹

Quite Breathtaking