5th Hole Bikers

Hole 3 View

7th Pine Lake

7th Reverse

9th Hole

5th Hole

5th Fareway

Pine Lake Lodge

2nd hole

9th Hole Shack

6th Hole

Back view of the Griswold signal for southbound traffic on S56

Side view of the northbound Griswold signal on S56

Side view of the Griswold crossing signal

Wide view looking north on S56

Back view of the Griswold signal for northbound traffic on S56

Rear view of the eastbound signal on Main St.

Another view looking east along the cleared right-of-way

2nd green

4th Tee

4th Fareway again

4th Steep Approach

1st Tee Box - 2

1st hole fareway

3rd Green

Hardin County, Iowa Courthouse (1892)

Pine Lake State Park

Pine Lake State Park

Pine Lake State Park

Pine Lake State Park

Pine Lake State Park

Pine Lake State Park

Pine Lake State Park

Pine Lake State Park

Pine Lake State Park

Iowa River - Pine Lake State Park

Pine Lake State Park

Iowa River - Pine Lake State Park

Cardinal I

Cardinal II

Pine Lake State Park