Desert View Tower

sunset view from Sacatone Overlook

view upon waking

Gold Digger

Light in the Window

Kitchen Creek Falls

Open Car 0972

our morning view

Bug's view right before the end

Hike View

457 The PCT stays high along a ridge with great views as it nears Cottonwood Creek

439 Zoomed-in view looking north toward Los Pinos Mountain and Corte Madera Mountain from the PCT

429 Vicki taking in the view from the PCT looking over Lake Morena

283 Zoomed-in view looking north of Cottonwood Creek as it drains into Lake Morena

428 Zoomed-in view of the Lake Morena Dam

419 Panorama view east of the mountains toward In-ko-pah from the PCT near mile 22

284 Panorama view looking north toward the Laguna Mountains across the Morena Valley from the PCT

482 Panorama view as we descend toward Cottonwood Creek on the PCT



Riveting Rust

U.S. Highway 80

Milky Over San Diego

Campo Truck Museum

At the top

Watcher in Field of Yellow Flowers

San Diego Backcountry Sunrise

Ruins of the Buckman homestead along Old Highway 80 under a full moon

M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy

Pacific Crest Trail, 2018

Leather Spineflower (Lastarriaea coriacea), Campo, CA, 4-21-18 D

Pacific Crest Trail - Morena Village

M81 & M82 - Bode's Nebula & Supernova

Pacific Crest Trail, 2018

M3 - Globula Cluster

Nearly Mexico

Pacific Crest Trail, 2018

My Baby

All Photos-4157

Pacific Crest Trail at Kitchen Creek: Matthew, Alex & Karina