Town Hall

Abandoned Mansion, Milan, OH

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

Custom Cosplay Commissions by orgXIIIorg : Kingdom Hearts II Organization XIII coat w/ hood up

eBird Doc: Ohio Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

Abandoned Mansion , Milan OH

eBird Doc: Ohio Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

eBird Doc: Ohio Neotropic Cormorant

eBird Doc: Ohio Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

eBird Doc: Ohio Neotropic Cormorant

bbwhisting duck suphur creek estuary flight 11 may 2014_0174

Bay View Motel - Sandusky, OH

Shoreline Drive

Night at the Arboretum

Pressure on the Way

Wheeling Passenger Car

Least Bittern

Not Your Typical Driftwood Sunrise. Nickel Plate Beach - Huron, Ohio

Rigging and Coasters

2017-04-28 Day 118/365

eBird Doc: Cacking Goose

Good morning everyone! It's going to be a another #sunnyday! Nice picture of the #SanduskyBayChannel and #CedarPoint in the distant #horizon. I was looking at this on a #morningwalk through town. Had to start a #new, #awesome, and #productive day with a l

Green Plant

Sunset On The Lake

Young Love

Summer Greens

Beautifully Lonely

The golden hour begins

If not for the blue sky...

View To A Sunset

Castaway Bay at Night

Took a walk on the SR 61 property to see if the spring wild flowers were blooming

Path before us.

Church Parking Lot

Sunset over the Norwalk Reservoir

2011-04-15 Day 105/365

Early Sunset

A Mighty Wind

Old Woman Creek

Over There

WLE 224 @ Hartland