Millennium Force

Shoreline Drive

Bay View 7-6-08 014

Town Hall

Bay View 7-4-08 017

Find The Treats

Bay View 7-6-08 002

Abandoned Mansion, Milan, OH

Sands of Time Sunrise. Nickel Plate Beach - Huron, Ohio

7 PM over Lake Erie

What Followed the Storms

Icing Over

Not Your Typical Driftwood Sunrise. Nickel Plate Beach - Huron, Ohio

Night at the Arboretum

Schaeffer House - Milan, OH

room with a view

Sandusky Bay Morning

Abandoned Mansion , Milan OH

Marblehead Moonrise

Beautiful View

Pressure on the Way

Marblehead Lighthouse, Ohio

Marblehead Lighthouse

Good morning everyone! It's going to be a another #sunnyday! Nice picture of the #SanduskyBayChannel and #CedarPoint in the distant #horizon. I was looking at this on a #morningwalk through town. Had to start a #new, #awesome, and #productive day with a l

New York Central Heritage Near Bellevue, OH

Church Parking Lot

Lake Erie

Marblehead with Tim Bazzinet

Marblehead Lighthouse

Lake Erie

Marblehead Lighthouse

Marblehead Lighhouse

Sunrise in Paradise


Daenerys Targaryen by Courtoon Colossalcon 2014 Game of Thrones Cosplay

Lake Erie