Shoreline Drive

Millennium Force

Bay View 7-6-08 014

Bay View 7-4-08 017

Bay View 7-6-08 002

Lonely Tree

Sands of Time Sunrise. Nickel Plate Beach - Huron, Ohio

7 PM over Lake Erie

Icing Over

What Followed the Storms

Not Your Typical Driftwood Sunrise. Nickel Plate Beach - Huron, Ohio

Night at the Arboretum

room with a view

Sandusky Bay Morning

Marblehead Moonrise

Beautiful View

Pressure on the Way

Least Bittern

Rigging and Coasters

There's a Moon out tonight

eBird Doc: Ohio Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

Marblehead Lighthouse, Ohio

Marblehead Lighthouse

Good morning everyone! It's going to be a another #sunnyday! Nice picture of the #SanduskyBayChannel and #CedarPoint in the distant #horizon. I was looking at this on a #morningwalk through town. Had to start a #new, #awesome, and #productive day with a l

New York Central Heritage Near Bellevue, OH

Lake Erie

Church Parking Lot

Marblehead with Tim Bazzinet

Lake Erie Rain

Marblehead Lighthouse

Lake Erie

Marblehead Lighthouse

Marblehead Lighhouse

Sunrise in Paradise
