Rainy Torch

Sea of Green

My backyard

Mare Nectaris Feb 4

Open your eyes to treasures hidden within the chaos

J. Herschel, Philolaus and Mare Frigoris


Grade on a Curve

Red For passion

Transitions Revisited (orbital concept)

Taking a Quick Peek

Bottle brush beauty

Beauty in the "Pink" Wind


Apennines & Apollo 15

Returning from Home Depot

Swan Lake

July 29 Northern Terminator (reprocess)

Creatures of the deep

HDR - semi-abandoned machinery

7-29 Terminator

Stephanie F

Stephanie F

Burrowing Owl

Glades sunset

The Death of Jesus

Long Ago And Far Away

"If I've told ya once, I've told ya a thousand times

Life and Death LE

Standing Alone

Perfectly Still

Soul Within Soul

Spires. C7D. Queen's Garden at Bryce in Utah. Always amazing.

Burrowing Owl Babies 2013

Halloween Weekend

Dorantes Longtail (Urbanus dorantes)

"I only have eyes for you."

Turn The Page

♬ All you need is love ♬

Little Guy

Air time