The view from our bedroom for the next week. #vacationsallieverwantedvacationhadtogetaway #familycottageweek
This view!! (Also, it's not a spot on your screen, it's one of those giant dragonflies surrounding this lake) #vacationsallieverwantedvacationhadtogetaway #familycottageweek
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Water Music 1
C-FPLS Normand Dube Aerocruiser LS sn:ND23 MG03 (1987)
Plongeon huard- Gavia immer - Common Loon
Bernache du Canada - Branta canadensis - Canada Goose
Sentier écologique "Le Petit Castor" DSC_8759 copie
Creepy shed wants to invite you in her. #vacationsallieverwantedvacationhadtogetaway #familycottageweek #iseefaces
Water Music 5
Plongeon huard - Gavia immer - Common Loon
Late and Lost
Sa mord tu? À la pêche au Doré...
#squaready #matter #ciel #juillet #lacducerf
Voie lactée en avril.
Milliard d'étoiles.
Early morning, Lac du Cerf, Quebec
C-GVHW Cessna 180H sn 18052269 (1972) DSC_0104 copy
C-GVHW Cessna 180H sn 18052269 (1972) DSC_0113 copy
Toilettage - Grooming DSC_0055 copy
On garde les jeunes à l'abri du soleil - Keeping the young ones out of the sun DSC_0015 copy
C-GVHW Cessna 180H sn 18052269 (1972) DSC_9699
My sister will appreciate this picture???? @sylvievt
C'est vraiment trop trop dur la vie dans le Nord québécois ;)
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