one more please

I-69 North

Wreaths Across America

I-69 & Beltway 8

… Raindrops on roses …

The Homeward Commute

Cooper's Hawk

I-45 and FM1960

down, a little to the left, that's it!

A Pond in The Morning

Departing Flight

Houston Racecourse

Black Swallowtail Caterpillar

to Houston

Addicted to Power

Looking Out the Window

Window with a View.

Flying the Skies Over America (Black & White)

Still in Garland... HFF!!!

Blue Jay

Flying the Skies Over America

Houston National Cemetery

Cypress Knees

Houston National Cemetery

KIAH 20150419


Pretty Pundt Park Pond

Cypress Morning

Reaching Out

Mercer Botanic Garden

Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Garden 2

Poison Ivy

Mercer Arboretum Park Cypress Swamp - Pray for Rain!!!

Misty Morning Sunrise

look for the tree in the middle of the path

Houston Texas LDS Temple

New Orleans - USA

Sunday Sunset

Traveling at night

Gulf Fritillary & Flowers

Union-Pacific Railroad Bridge, San Jacinto River , Humble, Texas 1207091204

Bald cypress trees out of the water