Wreaths Across America

American Goldfinch

I-69 & Beltway 8

Union-Pacific Railroad Bridge over the San Jacinto River, in the fog, Humble, Texas 1214091503A

Barn Swallow Day

Union-Pacific Railroad Bridge, San Jacinto River , Humble, Texas 1209090832

I-69 North

Lake Houston Boardwalk

to Houston

Addicted to Power

The Homeward Commute

14815 Fall Creek View Dr _ Westin Homes _ Preston _ D _ Fall Creek _ Travis Edmunds _ 10.1 (1)

"Have you seen my nuts?"

Homage To Fred Picker

One Wreath at a Time

East Texas Pine

Still in Garland... HFF!!!

Respect, Bigotry & the Boards of Directors for KHOA & Harris County MUD 26

1938 Henney Packard Flower car engine view

Get informed! Get involved!

Barn Swallow Day

Pretty Pundt Park Pond

Stahl Preserve

Bald cypress trees out of the water


Sunday Sunset

I don't remember exactly where this is...but it is still an Awesome Natural Wonder! I believe it is somewhere in the vicinity of #Alaska where #freshwater & #saltwater meet! #AwesomeNaturalWonder

Leslie Takes A Stroll

Houston International Airport

Pointed Blue-eyed Grass

Cypress Knees

Aqua Stand, Supermarket 1


Spring Creek, Jesse H. Jones Park & Nature Center, Humble, Texas 0716090821


Forest Monastery

Razor Bubbles

Not A Knot

Cypress Creek Spring, TX

Houston National Cemetery

look for the tree in the middle of the path