I-69 North

Wreaths Across America

I-69 & Beltway 8

… Raindrops on roses …

Homage To Fred Picker

Cooper's Hawk

The Homeward Commute

down, a little to the left, that's it!

A Pond in The Morning

I-45 and FM1960

Departing Flight

Black Swallowtail Caterpillar

Window with a View.

to Houston

Flying the Skies Over America (Black & White)

Looking Out the Window

Flying the Skies Over America

Looking Out While Waiting for a Flight out of Houston (Analog Efex Pro 2)

Taking off from Houston International Airport

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church

O'Henry's weekend message (of nonchalance)

Bayou ran over its banks

Houston National Cemetery

Cypress Knees

Sundown on the bayou

Houston National Cemetery

Mountwood St. Bridge

Morning Light on Lake Houston [EXPLORED 4/29/18, highest position #306]

Cypress Morning

Reaching Out

Mercer Botanic Garden

Leica DL2 Oak Forest Park

Red White Black

out and about in the park - part 3

Doyle's Restaurant

Manna Thrift Store

Misty Morning Sunrise

Getting The Hot-Shine

Sunday Sunset

Chainlink Veil & Verticals

Gulf Fritillary & Flowers