Standing at the top of the world.

The Stanislaus River by Fall

Light Dances on the Peaks of Sonora Pass

United States Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center - h

Sonora Pass

Another View From My Campsite

Levitt Falls Pano

A beautiful view near the Sonora Pass

Sonora Pass, California

Kennedy Meadow and Sierra Mountain view below Sonora Pass

Sonora Pass, California - h

View from the Pacific Crest Trail

Crag & Meadow


Nice view

Panoramic view, Pacific Crest Trail from Sonora Pass

In wilderness I sense the miracle of life, and behind it our scientific accomplishments fade to trivia…

Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed…

Whitesides Meadow Panorama

Stanislaus National Forest

Stanislaus National Forest