New Mexico Natural Arch NM-352 Mineral Canyon Arch

Walkabout | Intermission

Ridge Layers

High Again

Ponderosa on Mountain

On Foot

Signed Trail Junction

Gila east view

Gila highway

Last Light

Gila National Forest, New Mexico

Late afternoon in Kingston, NM

East, from Emory Pass

The view from the top of Emory Pass

The view at the top of Emory Pass

Gila trees

winged sky

Offroad Gate

Water Stop: 3rd Litre

to the east our thoughts take flight

somewhere along rte 152

Rise and Fall

Siver City NW to Truth or Consequences on NM Route 152

listening to the mimbres

Basin and Range

Water Stop: 4th Litre

Evening Forest

Water Stop: 1st Litre

Pool Gazing

Black Range

Easy Path

Still Soaring