Milky way - Kniebis, Germany

Let the sun shine

Clouds Blown Away by the Sun

Altar City Church St.Marien, Gengenbach

Black Forest (View from Apfelfelsen)

View on Gengenbach | Blick über Gengenbach im November 2012

Morning Mood

Extensive view

View from Apfelfelsen

Kirnbach, Schwarwald

Sun Rays

Vogtsbauernhof (1612)

Room with a view

The View

Gelbe Schönheit - Yellow Beauty

Wolfach: misty hills of Black Forest / colinas de la Selva Negra en niebla

Kastanie - chestnut

Pilze in der Abendsonne - Mushrooms in the evening sun

Replacement for the missing sun today

Rote Schönheit - red Beauty

05/02/1973 - Hausach, Germany.

Natural colored in Freiburg, Germany

Gengenbach | Spring 2016 | Sigma DP2 Merrill

Grass | November 2014

Wurzel / root

Sunny Evening

Penetrating light

Lonely Tree

Schwartzwald / black forest / forêt noire


Chapel at night

autumn near Hornberg forest

Kapelle im Schwarzwald

Iglesia sobre la colina, Gengenbach, Selva Negra, Alemania

20070406 06450 0602 Jakobus Wald Weg Licht Schatten

Heading for the Schwarzwälder Freilichtmuseum Vogtsbauernhof

La Route...

20070406 06533 0602 Jakobus Wald Weg Licht Schatten

Awesome Morning