Curtiss Wright

Purple Haze

Floodplain Farming: Fremont Weir, near Sacramento, California

f-14 fuselage side view

terminal b - exterior

Interstate View of Natomas, after the storm (Sacramento County)

It's All In The Light

F-106 Delta Dart

Back to the First

Black and White

C-130 Hercules' @ McClellan

Placer County Fire Engine 77 (rear view)

Ford Focus review 1 of 7

K Photoshoot_3257

MiG-21, McClellan AFB, my batchelor party

The Hunter

Sacramento, Ca McClellan Park

Roseville FD Truck 7 - Rear View

Robbers Fire smoke plume

zero cylinders under the hood

Photo Session KR_3239


Undulations 9509

plumbing supplies. catlett, ca. 2014.

Airport Sunset

Dark Sky over Mustard Field

The sun sets . . .

Barn & Mustard

In a sea of yellow

{when we put our minds to it, the sky is just the beginning }

Bert on the 17th. Going over water.

{your path is not shown by anyone, it's drawn by you, so follow your heart }

Elkhorn & 99

Cotton the Act

Work Meeting.

Sunset Colors

Rice Country

