mobilgas ruins. cadiz summit, ca. 2013.

Moonlight Retreat

Getting ready to Head Home

Middle of the Road near Amboy

Picking up the ARZC Train

ARZC Moving into Position

Getting Out of the Way

How To Spend Valentine's Day #25

How To Spend Valentine's Day #22

How To Spend Valentine's Day #24

How To Spend Valentine's Day #21

How To Spend Valentine's Day #23

How To Spend Valentine's Day #26

Desert Living

ROUTE66_2010_2276 - East of CHAMBLESS CA

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Bizarre Brassiere Tree

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In the shade

Road Runner Retreat

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foo dog (red). mojave desert, ca. 2014.

road runner. chambless, ca. 2013.

foo dog (green). mojave desert, ca. 2014.

Mother Road Gas

Get Your Kicks...

Ghost Trailers on Route 66

Carretera y manta

Road Runner Retreat

Eat at the Roadrunner's

Clouds and Shadows, Marble Mountains, CA