The Hotel Ata-Too in Naryn
The Naryn River and mountains in Naryn, northern Tien Shan (Kyrgiz) / キルギス共和国中部,ナリン高地
Gate to Naryn
Naryn (11 of 11)
landscape on the road
On the way to Song Kol
Shirdak festival in Narin
Shirdak festival in Narin, the shirdak is the type of carpet you see here on this picture.
Searching for a nice place for the night
The night sky from our campspot near the city of Naryn.
Нарын. Киргизия
Horses, yurts, containers. Horses own the highway in these mountains.
bleu roof, Naryn
hotel Ala-Too, Naryn
cemetary in the mountains
Warrior king monument, Kyrgyzstan
naryn art gallery
naryn art gallery
naryn art gallery
naryn art gallery
naryn central mosque
naryn central mosque
kyrgyzstan independence day
kyrgyzstan independence day
kyrgyzstan independence day