#African #signs #diversion #deviation #cloudy #landscape #redsoil #pixels #photography #color #crisp #statigram #webstagram #igkenya #border #town

Rest Stop on the road to Amboseli

An der Flußseite des Namanga River Hotels, NGIDn679106285

Ostafrikanische Siedleragame - Agama lionotus - Weibchen, NGIDn315493148

Silberwangen-Hornvogel - Bycanistes brevis, NGIDn1875686843


Kenya-20131216-00723(iPhone 5)

Three schoolgirls shopping in Namanga.

Lake Nakura Arhi-River Namanga Road

I'm soo tired


Lauren Smith-Kuinua Craft Project

"Behold and enter" #pitstop #RoadTripAfrica #RoadTrip #safari #EastAfrica #curioshop #bordercrossing #Namanga #Kenya #msafiri #souvenirs #EverydayKenya #outinthebush #savannahshop (c) Marlene C. Francia 2016

Jackson-Weber - Ploceus jacksoni, NGID1891194760

Ostafrikanische Siedleragame - Agama lionotus, NGIDn190180140

Ostafrikanische Siedleragame - Agama lionotus, NGID498700569

Ostafrikanische Siedleragame - Agama lionotus, NGIDn2105862797

Silberwangen-Hornvogel - Bycanistes brevis, NGIDn1217695070

Silberwangen-Hornvogel - Bycanistes brevis, NGIDn212933728

Silberwangen-Hornvogel - Bycanistes brevis, NGID2024740474

Amazing creature #macro #photography #nokia1020 #shotonmylumia #crisp #earthly #lumiamacro #wild #nature #webstagram #stratigram #ants #dope