Not Monkeying Around

Go with the Flow

Blackened Oak Forest

Schoenocrambe linearifolia

Before the Horseshoe 2 Fire

4WD Exploration and Support Unit

After the Horseshoe 2 Fire

Alligator Lizard

Before the Horseshoe 2 Fire (2)

Yellow Starburst

After the Horseshoe 2 Fire (2)

Sunshine in the Shade

Pink Things

Red Stars

Lovely Lady

Quiet Reflection

Showing Off

Predator and Prey

Another Liz

Staying Cool in the Shade

Cool and Clear


The Tributary

Riparian Ecosystem

The Chiricahuas

Sunglow Ranch -- Pond a low water

Flash Flood!

chiricahua night panorama

Near Rucker Canyon 5

Near Rucker Canyon

Near Rucker Canyon 2

Rucker Canyon, Chiricahua Mountains, Cochise Co., AZ

Coronado National Forest, Arizona

The Granites 2

Near Rucker Canyon 4